Malaysians Commend Johor MB for Being Hands-On In Cleaning Skudai River

Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi, a youthful leader at 44, has broken records as one of the youngest heads of a State Government in our nation. His unexpected appointment as Johor Menteri Besar (MB) after last year's Johor State Election surprised a lot of people!

malaysians commend johor mb for being hands-on in cleaning skudai riverPhoto via Facebook (Onn Hafiz Ghazi)

One year into his role, Onn Hafiz has become a beloved figure among the people of Johor due to his hands-on approach in tackling public issues. His willingness to personally visit places like the Johor Bahru CIQ building to understand and address challenges has won him high praise.

In a recent move, he's gained even more admiration for leading by example in advocating for the importance of clean waterways. Teaming up with fellow Johor assembly persons, Onn Hafiz used Facebook to showcase their joint effort in cleaning the Skudai River, in line with the "Johor Bersih" or Clean Johor movement.

He highlighted their successful removal of nearly 30 tonnes of rubbish from the outskirts of the Skudai River over two years. 

This led to the development of a comprehensive Skudai River Special Area Plan, incorporating 10 impactful projects designed to counteract pollution's effects.

Onn Hafiz strongly stressed the need to carry out these projects collectively, reaffirming the State Government's unwavering dedication to the Clean Johor initiative.

Kita semua mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk menjaga kebersihan sungai-sungai di Johor. Sebanyak hampir 30 tan sampah telah...

Posted by Onn Hafiz Ghazi on Saturday, 12 August 2023

In the comments, people applauded his hands-on approach and praised him as a positive role model for the public.

One commenter celebrated his proactive steps and expressed hope that other leaders would follow suit. Another individual expressed heartfelt gratitude and wished for these commendable efforts to expand to areas like drainage systems and sewers.