Former Malaysian Idol Winner, Jaclyn Victor Shares Her Biggest Achievement: “Singing for Barack Obama!”

In every person's career, there is usually at least one achievement that they are particularly proud of, something that stands out as one of the most significant highlights of their life. 

For Jaclyn Victor, a Malaysian singer and former winner of Malaysian Idol, her biggest achievement of all time was singing for former US president Barack Obama.

former malaysian idol winner, jaclyn victor shares her biggest achievement: “singing for barack obama!”Photo via Facebook (Jaclyn Victor)

Jaclyn rose to fame when she won the first season of Malaysian Idol back in 2004, and over the next nearly 20 years, she continued to make waves in the music industry. 

However, singing for Obama at the National Palace in Malaysia almost a decade ago in 2014 was undoubtedly the most unforgettable moment of her career. Jaclyn spoke about this experience in a recent interview with Studio Sembang, a show hosted by actress Amelia Henderson.

Jaclyn shared a photo of herself with the former president on Facebook and described him as "gracious." She recounted how she felt during the performance, saying, "I felt respected and appreciated because Obama really paid attention to my performance that evening."

For Jaclyn, this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sing for Obama was an incredible dream come true. She had always dreamed of performing for the US president, and the fact that she had finally achieved it was something that she would always cherish. 

It was a testament to the power of perseverance, hard work, and never giving up on your dreams.

Morning folks. There you have it. My encounter with the man!! President Barack Obama and me!! He was really gracious too😊

Posted by Jaclyn Victor on Monday, 28 April 2014

Jaclyn also revealed that after her performance for Obama, he had invited her to the White House in the US, where she could have sung with another legendary American singer-songwriter, Stevie Wonder. Unfortunately, Jaclyn had to decline the invitation because she had already signed up for another charity show at the time, and she didn't want to cancel it.

"I was sad. I had signed on for a charity show, which I obviously wasn't going to cancel," Jaclyn said during the interview.

Despite this missed opportunity, Jaclyn continues to work towards achieving her dreams. She mentioned during the interview that her dream collaboration would be with Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, a singer she admires greatly. She said, "I would love to do a duet with Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. I'm such a huge fan!"

Jaclyn's story is a reminder that dreams can come true with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck. She had always dreamed of singing for the US president, and even though it took years of hard work and dedication, she finally achieved that dream. 

And while she may have missed the opportunity to sing with Stevie Wonder at the White House, her dream collaboration with Steven Tyler is still a possibility.

Jaclyn Victor's story serves as an inspiration to everyone to never give up on their dreams. Whether it's to sing for a US president or collaborate with a favorite artist, with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. 

So keep working towards your goals and who knows, one day you might just achieve that one dream that you've always had.