Photo: Facebook (An Honest Mistake)
Christmas is coming, and An Honest Mistake has a gift for you - not a physical present la, but they do have a brand new song out!
Named “Mistletoe Is For Quitters”, the song was first made popular by pop rock group Forever The Sickest Kids. Those who are familiar with the original will get a pleasant surprise when they listen to An Honest Mistake’s rendition - it’s the complete opposite.

Think Christmassy vibes with guitars, drums and everything rock. It’s a song to make your Christmas jingle.
“We just wanted to continue this trend of putting out Christmas songs in Malaysia, mainly because nobody’s doing it. Plus, it’s a reason to celebrate. It’s the holidays, and we’re celebrating time together with the family and loved ones. The lyrics of this track just resonated so much with us. The line, ‘I’ll be home for Christmas, you can count on me’, just tugged a little on our heart strings. The vocal harmonies were really fun to tackle in the studio as well. We took it as a challenge to push ourselves to do a little more. We wanted to show that Christmas isn’t irrelevant in Malaysia. Of course, there’s no snow and popular songs like ‘Frosty The Snowman’ would have very little meaning to us but coming home to loved ones? Who wouldn’t resonate with that? No matter what your background is, Christmas is an all-around celebration for everyone”, the band said.
Photo: An Honest Mistake
The music video, shot by Navin Daniel of Aperture Bear Productions (and who is also the band’s videographer), features one new addition - Sonny Wan. Digging up a little background, we discovered that the bassist has a little secret. He is a barista and an amatuer league boxer - quite the package, eh? Bringing Sonny in sees two other changes happening. Guitarist Leonard Chua will be leaving the band (noooooo) and bassist Tomas Tam will be the guitarist instead. There will be a farewell party for Leonard on 21 December 2019 at the band’s annual Christmas party at Six In The City in Petaling Jaya.
We are pretty stoked to see how the new formation works out! Check out their music video or give it a listen on Spotify!
By: Celestine Foo