Russian Woman Admits To Breaking Into Merdeka 118, Wears Hijab To Avoid Getting Caught

In December, a post went viral of a Russian woman who climbed on top of the Merdeka 118 tower without official clearance from the authorities.

And now, the woman who is known as Angela Nikolau took to Twitter to share how she broke into the Merdeka 118 tower and climbed up to the top of the building without getting caught. 

On Wednesday (4 January), she took to Twitter to share several pictures of her journey climbing up the tower and was able to get away with it!

“As soon as I saw the Merdeka 118 tower, I instantly sensed a spiritual connection. I feel in love,” she tweeted, “It’s such a majestic building in the middle of an amazing city. I just had to discover and share the views with others,” she said.

The woman said that she rented an apartment with the view of the tower so that she could monitor and observe the building before breaking in, “I spent several weeks learning crucial information I needed to know before carrying out my mission.”

She added that to make sure she does not get caught and remain undetected, she had to disguise herself with a hijab, glasses and a uniform.

Angela also describes the feeling when she was nearly discovered while she was sleeping and when I realised that I had been found, that is when my nightmare began. 

“I ran the first 32 floors and became too hot and had to lie down on the concrete floor in the dark to cool off. I drank all my water.”

She said they managed to scale the 53-storey tower while carrying a 15-kilogram duffle bag. Seeing the views from the tower, she claimed, “lifted her spirits up.”

The Merdeka 118 Tower management team informed police on 29 December that a Russian couple had entered the tower illegally.

Malaysians took to the comment section to condemn her actions, saying that it’s disrespectful to come to another country and disregard its laws, “RUDE” said one person.

“How do you just come to someone else’s country and disregard its laws? You trespass a private building and mock its security. It's ignorant,” said another person. 

The tweet has since garnered over 1.9 million views at the time of writing.