Old Video Goes Viral Again! Malaysians Rally to Stop Snatch Thieves and Help Foreign Girl

Malaysia has grappled with a longstanding issue of snatch theft incidents, often leaving victims with little recourse other than reporting the crime to the police. However, there's a growing chorus of individuals saying, "no more."

A video recently resurfaced on the Koleksi Viral Facebook page, depicting a foreign girl's courageous stand against snatch thieves and the heartening support she received from the public to thwart their escape.

old video goes viral again! malaysians rally to stop snatch thieves and help foreign girlPhoto via Facebook (Koleksi Viral)

Koleksi Viral's post read, "Your bodies are not differently-abled, go get jobs lah. Don't be a snatch thief. This is what you get!" The incident unfolded in the KLCC area around August of the previous year, 2022.

In the video, the snatch thieves can be seen riding against traffic, while the girl walks on the sidewalk. As they move out of the frame, the pillion snatch thief manages to grab the girl's bag.

Moments later, they reappear on camera, with the girl fiercely resisting and attempting to retrieve her bag from the pillion snatch thief on the sidewalk, while the other serves as a getaway rider. Just when it seemed the snatch thieves might escape, a passing car stopped to offer assistance.

However, as the pillion snatch thief attempts to rejoin the getaway, a food delivery rider arrives on the scene and collides with his bike. Though the snatch thieves were still slowly escaping, the food delivery rider abandoned his bike to aid the girl.

Badan tak cacat pegi la kerja. Jangan jadi kaki rembat. Kan dah mendapat. Awek korang rembat tu army weyy.

Posted by Koleksi Viral on Tuesday, 5 September 2023

In a heartening display of solidarity, another person is seen rushing from the opposite direction to help. More individuals soon join the effort, ultimately succeeding in assisting the girl in recovering her bag and detaining the snatch thieves. 

It's worth noting the foreign girl's remarkable courage throughout the ordeal…