M’sians Praise Uni Student For Always Having Food To Share With Her Peers!

Last week, a university student’s persistent kindness to her peers recently went viral online after a fellow student decided to share the story on Twitter.

m’sians praise uni student for always having food to share with her peers!Photo via Twitter (@afiqahwhy)

Twitter user, Afiqah Yusof posted screenshots of messages sent by her friend, Nadia, who keeps on offering free food in her University group chat, “This girl’s friends need to stop her from buying too much food.

“It’s so funny how she keeps coming back into the group chat to offer free food,” she wrote in her tweet.

The tweet has since garnered over 13,900 retweets at the time of writing.

Since then, the tweet has drawn a lot of attention from Malaysian netizens, who were amused by the fact that Nadia always had food to share, “She’s so nice!”

“How cute! She enjoys eating but she knows that she can’t eat a lot, so instead of wasting it, she decides to share it with others,” one person commented.

This is so nice!