Malaysian Netizens Plead with PM10 to Bring Taylor Swift for a Show, Promises to Be “Good Citizens”

As news spreads that several international artists, including Taylor Swift, have skipped Malaysia for their world tours this year, Malaysian concertgoers find themselves yearning for a change. 

In a heartwarming display of enthusiasm, some Malaysian netizens took to Twitter to reach out to their busy Prime Minister, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, "crying" for his help in bringing Taylor Swift to perform in the country.

malaysian netizens plead with pm10 to bring taylor swift for a show, promises to be “good citizens”Photo via Liverpool Echo

This call for action comes after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially requested Taylor Swift's presence for a performance in Canada…

As of now, Taylor has not responded to Justin's request, leaving Canadian Swifties uncertain about the possibility of witnessing their favorite pop star live in their country this year.

Inspired by Justin's effort, Malaysian netizens seized the opportunity to tag PM Anwar on Twitter, hoping that he would take steps to bring Taylor Swift to Malaysia. 

The Twitter page, Terpaling Swifty Era, eagerly awaits the next meeting between Anwar and the public, anticipating his response to their plea, "Can somebody please ask him if he is willing to write an official letter to Taylor Swift and invite her to come to Malaysia? 

“The Prime Ministers of Thailand and Canada have done so."

In a tweet by Taylor Swift's fan page, a list of world leaders who have requested Taylor's performances in their respective countries was shared, signaling that it's now PM Anwar's turn to make a move.

Meanwhile, Malaysian netizens took to Twitter to express their desire for PM Anwar to bring Taylor Swift to their country. Some even suggested Taylor follow in Coldplay's footsteps by contributing to Malaysia's environmental efforts, such as cleaning rivers.

"Can I ask the PM to request Taylor Swift, just like what Justin did?"

Another netizen made a promise to be a law-abiding citizen in exchange for PM Anwar's efforts to bring Taylor Swift to Malaysia.

As of now, the Prime Minister has not addressed the Malaysian netizens' requests. However, the hope remains that Taylor Swift may surprise her Malaysian fans with a visit, creating a heartwarming moment for both the pop star and her dedicated followers in Malaysia.

Good news soon, hopefully?