Adorable Pup Melts Hearts After Video Of Her Retrieving Parcels From Abang Delivery Went Viral!

Meet Pin Pin, a clever Shih Tzu who has gained online fame for her parcel-collecting skills. 

On TikTok, its owner @brandyyap322 often shares videos of Pin Pin excitedly fetching packages from abang delivery!

adorable pup melts hearts after video of her retrieving parcels from abang delivery went viral!Photo via TikTok (@brandyyap322)

In the videos, you can see how Pin Pin eagerly retrieves parcels, and the delivery men seem just as delighted to see her wagging tail. The connection between Pin Pin and the delivery people is heartwarming, with one video captioned, "This Abang will always look for Pin Pin when he arrives, and Pin Pin really likes the Abang too."

Gratitude is expressed for the mutual affection in these simple gestures: "Thank you, Abang, for liking my puppy." 

One of these videos has even gone viral, amassing over 4.5 million views, and viewers can't help but gush over Pin Pin's adorable enthusiasm.


terima kasih abang shopee yg suka kan puppy Saya...🥰🥰🥰

♬ Fooling Mode - Toshio Masuda

Comments like, "So cute! She's so excited to receive the things, as if she's the one who's been shopping online!”

And, "If I was a delivery man, I would look for her address to send a parcel there every day," reflecting the widespread appeal of Pin Pin's heartwarming actions, brightening not only the days of those she interacts with but also spreading joy through the magic of the internet.