Malaysian Actor Nam Ron Encourages Students Who Didn't Excel in SPM: “It's Just the Beginning”

Hey! You didn't give up, and that’s commendable.

Not acing your exams doesn’t mean you’ve failed in life. There’s a long road ahead, full of opportunities. Malaysian filmmaker and actor Nam Ron, in a heartfelt Facebook post, assured students who didn't score well in SPM that it's not the end of the world.

malaysian actor nam ron encourages students who didn't excel in spm: “it's just the beginning”Photo via IMDb

Nam Ron, who turns 54 this year, didn't excel in his SPM either. He shared, "My SPM was bad, I didn’t even have an A. Don’t give up just because you did badly in SPM."

After his SPM, Nam Ron didn’t go straight to further his studies. He only completed a diploma a few years ago and considered himself lucky to have had the chance. "I could further my studies with a Diploma merely because there was an availability. The student withdrew at the last minute. I was awarded an Excellent Graduate at the end of my study."

If your SPM results weren’t great, take it easy, as long as you aim to improve yourself. It’s just the first phase of your journey. Nam Ron advises young people to identify their skills and work on improving them. "With your skills, you can succeed at work. The most important thing is to have a hobby, a passion for something."

Success can come at different times for different people. For Nam Ron, after many years in the entertainment industry, his thriller film "One Two Jaga," which explores corruption among cops, won the Best Film Award at the 30th Malaysian Film Festival in 2019.

SPM saya teruk 1A pun takde, dapat sambung diploma pun kerana ada kekosongan (kerana ada calon yang telah terpilih tarik...

Posted by Nam Ron on Monday 27 May 2024

Congratulations on taking the exam! Now, let’s move forward, improve your skills, find your passion, and strive to do well again. You did well, and your journey is just beginning.