Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee Ka-chiu Shares Photos Of Him Enjoying Authentic M’sian Breakfast In KL

In a delightful display of cultural appreciation, Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, recently shared heartwarming pictures of himself enjoying a local Malaysian breakfast in Kuala Lumpur.

As his visit to three ASEAN member states approached its conclusion, John Lee Ka-chiu took the opportunity to invite his colleagues from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta to join him for a delicious Malaysian breakfast at a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. 

hong kong's chief executive, john lee ka-chiu shares photos of him enjoying authentic m’sian breakfast in klPhoto via Facebook (李家超 John KC Lee)

His enthusiasm was evident as he expressed his excitement in a Facebook post!

At the restaurant, he opted for the recommended Malaysian delicacies, including kaya toast, Hainan tea, and the traditional half-boiled egg. These authentic dishes are staples found in typical Malaysian Kopitiams, beloved by locals and tourists alike. The delectable spread provided a delightful insight into the rich culinary heritage of Malaysia.

The picturesque restaurant that served as the backdrop for this culinary adventure was none other than ICC Pudu in Kuala Lumpur. Known as a food haven among locals, ICC Pudu offered the perfect setting for savoring the flavors of Malaysia.

In his Facebook post, John Lee Ka-chiu extended his gratitude to his colleagues for their efforts in organizing the trip and encouraged them to continue working towards fostering ties between ASEAN enterprises and Hong Kong, aiming to facilitate business expansion and collaboration.

The Chief Executive's gesture showcased the importance of cultural exchange and appreciation between nations, transcending borders and promoting harmony among diverse communities. By partaking in an authentic Malaysian breakfast and cherishing the experience, John Lee Ka-chiu exemplified the essence of building meaningful relationships and celebrating shared traditions.

【品嘗地道馬來西亞早餐】 東盟三成員國的訪問行程明天將結束,今早我約了幾位香港駐雅加達經貿辦的同事到馬來西亞吉隆坡一個市集的餐廳品嘗地道馬來西亞早餐。在同事的介紹下,我要了一份咖椰多士和一杯海南茶,然後叫了半熟蛋和其他小吃跟大夥兒一起分享,大家都吃得津津有味。 和同事聊天期間,我感謝他們安排是次行程付出的努力,亦鼓勵他們要在當地積極爭取東盟企業來港擴展業務,善用香港的專業服務和融資平台,開拓粵港澳大灣區市場。

Posted by 李家超 John KC Lee on Thursday, 27 July 2023

As his journey in the ASEAN region came to a close, the cherished moments of breaking bread with his colleagues in Malaysia will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression, serving as a symbol of unity and goodwill between Hong Kong and its neighboring countries.