Malaysian Student Becomes Engineer At US Electric Car Company, Tesla!

This is a great achievement! 

It was recently announced by Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MRSM) on their Facebook page that one of their students from MRSM Ulul Albab, Fakhirah Khairuddin is now an engineer at a well-known electric car company in the United States, Tesla. 

malaysian student becomes engineer at us electric car company, tesla!Photo via Facebook (Majlis Amanah Rakyat)

Their caption read: “Congratulations on your success! You have made MRSM proud!”

Another post shared by Dr. Zulkifli Hussin read: “A friend once asked me, are the students at MRSM Ulul Albab only going to become ustaz and ustazah after they graduate? It made me laugh. Well, let me tell you…

“The establishment of MRSM Ulul Albab is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) school, but at the same time, we challenge our students to memorize and appreciate the teachings of the Al-Quran,” he said.

He added that MRSM Ulul Albab has produced successful students and one of them is Fakhirah, who is now an engineer at a giant company in the United States, Tesla. 

Fakhirah Khairuddin is MRSM Ulul Albab’s first batch of students.

Perkongsian Dr Zul kali ini membawakan satu contoh pelajar MRSM Ulul Albab yang berjaya menjadi jurutera di sebuah...

Posted by MAJLIS AMANAH RAKYAT on Thursday, August 5, 2021

After graduating from MRSM Ulul Albab in Kota Putra, she then continued her studies in Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, which was sponsored by MARA. 

And after that, she furthered her studies in Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, which was sponsored by the university.

She is now residing in Foremont, California and works as a Technical Training Robotics Engineering Instructor at Tesla.

“Congratulations, Fakhirah on your success! We, here in Malaysia, will always pray for you. MRSM is very proud of you,” he said. Wah, we’re so happy for her! Congratulations Fakhirah! 

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat