50 People Trapped Due To Flood, Wrote “SOS FOOD” Using Duct Tape To Get Help

50 people who attended a wedding event were trapped for three days when Taman Sri Muda in Shah Alam were inundated with floodwaters.

Richmond Linus, one of the people who was trapped in the hall said they had to write “SOS” on the window when they ran out of food on the second night and after help did not arrive, they wrote “FOOD” on duct tape and taped it on the roof of the house in hopes that a helicopter would notice it.

50 people trapped due to flood, wrote “sos food” using duct tape to get helpPhoto via BERNAMA

He told BERNAMA: “There were 50 of us in the family including two babies and 10 senior citizens. The wedding was unforgettable. Because of the floods, we were stranded for three days and two nights.”

Richmond added that he and 50 family members attended his sister’s wedding at a hall in the area and the water rose very fast. 

When help did not arrive, he and seven members of his family took the initiative to go out, risking their lives to find food supplies so that other family members would not go hungry.

“The eight of us swam using a buoy. The restaurant next door gave us food but it was not enough because they also have many employees,” he said. 

After three days and two nights, the family was finally rescued by a rescue team from the Fire and Rescue Department and they were taken out in a boat.

Oh dear, we’re SO glad that everyone is alright!

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat