“Only One Screw Secured It” Malaysian Commended for Halting Lorry with Wobbly Tyre on Highway

A recent highway incident has gone viral, showcasing the heroism of Rulamrul Advansado, who acted swiftly to prevent what could have been a devastating accident involving a lorry. His actions have earned him widespread recognition and praise from netizens.

“only one screw secured it” malaysian commended for halting lorry with wobbly tyre on highwayPhoto via Facebook (Rulamrul Advansado)

While driving, Rulamrul noticed something troubling: one of the lorry’s tyres was wobbling dangerously. Realising the serious risk this posed not only to the driver but also to other road users, he sprang into action. Despite his clear signals for the lorry to pull over, the driver attempted to overtake him, prompting Rulamrul to escalate his efforts.

Finally, thanks to his relentless determination, the lorry driver safely came to a stop at the roadside. Rulamrul wasted no time in approaching the vehicle to conduct a detailed inspection. What he found was alarming: the faulty tyre was barely secured, held in place by just one remaining screw. In the video he shared, he expressed his concern, saying, "Just look at this wobbly tyre. What if I hadn’t intervened? This could have ended in disaster."

Rulamrul understood that a tyre failure at high speed could lead to catastrophic consequences, not just for the driver but for all road users nearby. "If that tyre had come off while driving fast, it could have seriously injured or killed someone," he cautioned.

As the video spread across social media, viewers flooded the comments with their admiration for Rulamrul's quick actions. Many hailed him as a true hero for taking it upon himself to protect the safety of others.

"I can’t imagine what would have happened if that tyre had failed. You really saved the day. Thank you!" one commenter expressed. Another added, "Not everyone would stop a lorry for the sake of public safety. You’re a true hero!"

The overwhelming response highlighted the importance of Rulamrul’s actions, with many noting the dangers posed by loose tyres, which have been responsible for numerous serious accidents. “Thank you for your bravery!” one user remarked.

Ada sesuatu yg tak kena pd lori ni memberanikan untuk aku tahan lori ni sampai berhenti... Tgl 1 sekru je sebelum nyawa pengguna lain melayang...

Posted by Rulamrul Advansado on Friday 4 October 2024

Through his swift and decisive actions, Rulamrul Advansado not only averted a potentially tragic situation but also reminded everyone of the vital importance of looking out for one another on the road!