Police Caution Against Sharing Information About Roadblocks On Social Media

While driving, police roadblocks are among the most common hazards that drivers may encounter, especially at night. 

However, driving and navigation apps like Waze allow users to share police roadblock locations with other drivers, potentially helping them avoid these obstacles.

police caution against sharing information about roadblocks on social mediaPhoto via The Star

Despite this, the Sarawak police have released a video urging the public not to share police actions on social media. 

The video features Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Mohd Azman Ahmad Sapri citing an incident in which a user shared the location of police roadblocks on social media and how this could disrupt police operations.

Mohd Azman stressed that exposing police actions on social media could result in sharing content that is obscene, false, threatening, or offensive under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, and could be intended to harass, abuse, threaten, or harass another person. Offenders could be fined up to RM50,000 or imprisoned for up to one year.

Additionally, Mohd Azman explained that the police could investigate such cases under the Criminal Code and the Official Secrets Act 1972. 

Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Azmi Abu Kassim had previously advised the public against sharing information about police presence and roadblocks on Waze, stating that doing so would "hamper enforcement efforts against motorists driving under the influence of alcohol and those who commit other traffic offences."

While it may be inconvenient for drivers to encounter police roadblocks, it is important to recognize that they are often put in place for the safety of all road users. By cooperating with police at roadblocks, drivers can help ensure that the roads are safe for everyone. 

While it is understandable that some drivers may want to avoid roadblocks, it is important to remember that following the law and working with law enforcement can ultimately lead to safer roads and communities.

Mohd Azman echoed this sentiment, urging the public, particularly road users, to cooperate with the police instead of aiding those who commit road offences.

ISU TULAR : KENYATAAN MEDIA PESURUHJAYA POLIS SARAWAK Berkenaan Satu "Posting" Maklumat Sekatan Jalanraya (SJR) Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) Kontinjen Sarawak Di Media Sosial. [Lesson Learnt] Pihak polis tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan tegas ke atas individu yang menyebarkan maklumat sulit PDRM di media sosial.

Posted by Polis Sarawak on Thursday, 4 May 2023

Take note of this, guys!