Chinese Government Acknowledges Zoo Negara As One Of The Best Giant Panda Caretakers

While the presence of panda cubs Yi Yi and Sheng Yi at Zoo Negara brought immense joy to both the dedicated zoo staff and enthusiastic visitors, the recent news of their impending return to China on August 29 left many Malaysians feeling a sense of loss.

chinese government acknowledges zoo negara as one of the best giant panda caretakersPhoto via Sin Chew Daily

Despite this bittersweet development, there's a silver lining to the story. The care and treatment provided to these baby pandas at Zoo Negara have received accolades and recognition. According to a report in the local newspaper Sin Chew Daily, the Chinese government has commended our local zoo for being among the best giant panda caregivers in the world.

Rosly@Rahmat Ahmat Lana, the vice president of Zoo Negara, proudly shared that under their watchful care, the giant panda couple, Xing Xing and Liang Liang, successfully welcomed three panda cubs into the world. This accomplishment highlights the dedication and expertise of the zoo's staff in panda conservation.

He further revealed, "Every year, giant panda experts from China would visit our zoo to evaluate the living conditions and closely observe how we care for and feed the pandas." This ongoing assessment underscores the commitment to maintaining the highest standards of care for these precious animals.

chinese government acknowledges zoo negara as one of the best giant panda caretakersPhoto via Sin Chew Daily

To ensure the well-being of the pandas, the zoo has allocated a team of five dedicated employees who provide them with nutritious food and conduct monthly health checks, including blood tests. This meticulous attention to their health ensures that the pandas remain in optimal condition during their stay at Zoo Negara.

As we bid farewell to these adorable panda cubs, it's heartening to know that the care and love they received during their time in Malaysia have earned recognition on an international stage. 

Having the pandas here in Malaysia has been a truly amazing experience, and their legacy will continue to inspire future conservation efforts in our country!