Beware, Malaysians! Fake KLIA Page Is Selling "Lost Luggage" for RM16

Malaysians, heads up! There's a sneaky scam going on online, specifically targeting us... 

beware, malaysians! fake klia page is selling lost luggage for rm16Photo via Facebook (Malaysia Airports)

Please watch out for a fake Facebook page pretending to be 'Kuala Lumpur International Airport.' These scammers are claiming to sell "lost suitcases with electronics," but don't fall for it!

Unlike what these scammers say, Malaysia Airports doesn't sell lost stuff – they actually work hard to return lost items to their owners. But this shady Facebook page is getting a lot of attention, with some posts getting thousands of comments and shares.

Malaysia Airports took to their Facebook page to make sure that Malaysians are aware and not fooled by these scams. They're telling us to be careful and not trust any Facebook pages or online sellers claiming to sell lost items on behalf of the airport.

⚠️ Fake Account Detected ⚠️ Please be aware that Malaysia Airports only has one official Facebook page, which is...

Posted by Malaysia Airports on Friday, 12 January 2024

If you've lost something, always check with Malaysia Airports' official channels and customer service for real info. 

Let's stick together and spread the word to keep our fellow Malaysians safe from falling victim to these scams!