Balik Kampung This Hari Raya? PLUS Issues TTA Schedule To Help You Plan Your Journey!

As the Aidil Fitri festival approaches in Malaysia, many people are preparing to embark on long journeys to visit family and friends. 

However, with an estimated 2 million vehicles expected to travel on the PLUS highway during this festive season, highway users are warned that they may encounter heavy traffic and congestion.

balik kampung this hari raya? plus issues tta schedule to help you plan your journey!Photo via New Straits Times

To tackle this issue, PLUS Malaysia Berhad, the largest highway concessionaire in the country, has taken the initiative to release a Proposed Travel Time Schedule (TTA) for travel on the North-South Highway from April 19 to May 1, 2023. The TTA aims to distribute traffic and prevent congestion by suggesting the best time for highway users to travel based on their destination.

By spreading the traffic over different times of the day, the TTA aims to reduce congestion on the main routes, toll plazas, and rest areas, thereby making the journey smoother for all drivers. This approach also helps to ensure that the highways operate safely, efficiently and seamlessly.

The TTA schedule has been designed to encourage drivers to plan their journey ahead of time and avoid travelling during peak hours. Highway users can access the latest traffic information via Twitter @PLUSTrafik, the PLUS App, PUTRI Chatbot, electronic signage (VMS) in selected locations, and by following the latest traffic reports via the country's main radio broadcasts.

With the holiday season just around the corner, drivers are urged to take the necessary precautions and plan their journeys accordingly. The TTA schedule serves as a valuable tool for highway users to manage their travel plans, avoid heavy traffic and arrive at their destination safely and without delay.

The proposed TTA schedule released by PLUS Malaysia Berhad serves as a timely reminder for all drivers to plan their journeys and stay informed about traffic conditions during this festive season. 

By following the guidelines and spreading out the traffic, we can all work together to make the roads safer and smoother for everyone. Please refer to the attached TTA schedule and further reading here

Also, if you’re tired of the long and boring car ride home for the holidays, you can spice things up with our SYOK app! Listen to all of your favourite radio stations and SYOK podcasts, anytime, anywhere. We promise you’ll be singing and laughing all the way to your kampung

Drive safely, everyone, and selamat hari raya aidilfitri!