‘Spiderman’ Arrested in Melaka for Overstaying His Welcome

‘spiderman’ arrested in melaka for overstaying his welcomeMain image via The Star

It seems like Spiderman hasn’t quite been the friendly neighbourhood hero we thought he is! Pictures of “Spiderman” being arrested has been circulating online, and the man behind the mask turned out to be a foreign national in Bandar Hilir, Melaka who was arrested for overstaying his welcome.

According to a report by New Straits Times, the 38-year-old Bangladeshi came into the country with a tourist visa but has been abusing his visa by dressing up as Spiderman and charging tourists RM5 to RM10 for a quick picture. He is also allegedly assisted by a woman in her 40s and a child who helps to sell toys.


The suspect is being detained for overstaying and possessing fake documents. He will be charged under Section 15(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1958/63, where he faces a fine of up to RM10,000 or jail time of up to 5 years or both if convicted.

Looks like this “Spiderman” has gotten himself into quite the sticky situation!