Being In Malaysia During This Pandemic “Is Much Safer”

How lucky are we to be in Malaysia during this pandemic right now?

Our health workers are working tirelessly trying to contain the outbreak. Our Malaysian police and army work day and night making sure that we are safe, and communities are coming together to take care of each other.

being in malaysia during this pandemic “is much safer”Photo via Facebook (Azizan Zan)

A German family told New Straits Times that they would rather be stuck here in Malaysia during the COVID-19 outbreak than return home to their country.

Ralf Nussbaum, a 50-year-old German man is one of the 36 foreign tourists who have been stuck on Pulau Kapas due to the Movement Control Order (MCO).

After a month of being here in Malaysia after the MCO was implemented on 18 March, he, along with his 50-year-old wife, Eva Nussbaum, and two children Louis and Lucie who are 6-years-old and 3-years-old respectively, have no choice but to return home as their social visit passes are expiring.

“After more than a month here, we are facing some financial problems and need to go home urgently. My family in Germany are also worried about our safety,” said Ralf.

He added that he and his family have been stranded in Pulau Kapas and they have been treated very well during their stay on the island. “I can’t imagine being stuck anywhere else, it is unlikely that we would have been treated as well as here.”

His wife Eva said that she will never forget the kindness, comfort, and assistance that her family has received throughout their stay in Pulau Kapas. “All the locals and management of the accommodation on the island have been so kind to us that we feel at ease here,” she said. 

“This is our first time in Pulau Kapas and Malaysia and we will definitely return due to the kindness of the locals” 

Marang District Office has also arranged the family’s transportation to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) free of charge. 

Good job at always being kind and compassionate towards other people, Malaysians! Stay safe, stay healthy and of course, stay at home! 

By: Aishah Akashah Ahadiat