Bleeding Cat Rescued at KLIA by Malaysia Airports Staff, Finds Its Loving Forever Home

During his journey to catch a flight at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), a compassionate Malaysian man stumbled upon a distressed cat bleeding profusely. Unable to turn a blind eye, he immediately snapped a photo and sent it to his wife, who swiftly reached out to an animal rescue organization for help.

bleeding cat rescued at klia by malaysia airports staff, finds its loving forever homePhoto via Facebook (Malaysia Airports)

Wagging SOULS, the animal rescue organization, took to their Facebook page to share the incident and seek assistance. They received a heartfelt message from the man's wife, which read, "Dear Wagging SOULS followers, my husband is taking a flight today, and when he arrived at KLIA, he saw a bleeding cat. He took a photo and sent it to me. He even informed the airport workers, but sadly, they didn't show much concern. Can anyone please help this little one? Thank you."

The injured cat was discovered at Level 3, Terminal 1 of KLIA, in need of urgent attention and care. Malaysia Airports, coming across the Facebook post, promptly took action to rescue the feline.

Updates: Anyone gt rescue this baby kindly update to Wagging Souls tq... Urgent 📣📣 urgent 📣📣 urgent 📣📣 Msg from...

Posted by Wagging SOULS on Tuesday, 11 July 2023

"Alamak, poor cat! Our operations team was taken aback by a Facebook post featuring an injured cat found on the curbside of Terminal 1, KLIA," Malaysia Airports expressed. "Without hesitation, our operations team swiftly rushed to the scene. 

“Accompanying them was Rahman, one of our employees who willingly offered to care for the cat. Rahman immediately took the injured animal to a nearby animal clinic. Thank you, Rahman! You are the best."

The comment section of Wagging SOULS' post revealed that the cat has now found a loving forever home. Malaysia Airports, expressing gratitude, added, "May all the individuals involved in helping this adorable cat receive well-deserved recognition for their assistance to animals in distress."

Alamak kesiannya kucing ni. 🥺 Team operasi kami telah dikejutkan dengan satu posting di Facebook yang memaparkan kisah...

Posted by Malaysia Airports on Thursday, 13 July 2023

We rejoice in the happy ending of this story and the cat's survival, thanks to the compassion and swift actions taken by caring individuals. This heartwarming tale serves as a reminder of the importance of extending kindness to all animals. 

Each act of compassion, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of these sentient beings. Let us continue to spread love, empathy, and care for all creatures, ensuring their well-being and happiness in our shared world.